INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL is the administrative body of Inner Wheel organisations worldwide. It is governed by an Executive Committee of five elected officers: President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, and Constitution Chairman. The EC together with 16 elected Board Directors, make up the International Governing Body. An Editor/Media Manager who is responsible for the IIW website, media output and promotional documents is also nominated and elected. The elections are held once every year from nominations received all over the world. The EC is assisted by a full time administrator.
Clubs, Districts and National Governing Bodies adhere to the IIW Constitution. An IIW Convention held triennially and hosted in one of the Inner Wheel countries, gathers members all over the world to discuss changes and vote accordingly. Every Club has a right to a vote.
Large meetings are also held regionally, such as in Europe, USA, South Asia, Philippines, Australia, and India. This has helped to promote friendship, and provide the opportunity for growth, leadership and empowerment.
President: Mamta Gupta (IW India). Vice-President: Kay Morland (IW Australia), Immediate Past President: Trish Douglas (IW GB&I), Treasurer: Rashmi Sharma (IW India), Constitution Chairman: Patricia Mary Hilton (IW India). 16 Board Directors: Alyssandra Skerrett (IW New Zealand), Ann Acaster (IW GB&I), Donatella Polizzi Nicolich (IW Italy), Elena Zaharieva (IW Bulgaria), Emily Duterte (IW Philippines), Iclal Kardicali (IW Turkey), Iman El Bashari (IW Egypt & Jordan), Juanita Lee (IW Malaysia), Lynne Davine (IW Australia), Nnenna Opebiyi (IW Nigeria), Paulette Dewinter-De Soete (IW Belgium & Luxembourg), Surjit Kaur (IW India), Susanne Metelerkamp Cappenberg Beetz (IW Netherlands), Tracy Van Eeden (IW South Africa), Ursula Eigenmann (IW Switzerland & Liechtenstein) and Valentina Serrano (IW Mexico). Editor/Media Manager: Rajni Katia (IW India). Click to download the poster.

The Founder of the Inner Wheel movement
Mrs. Margarette Golding, a nurse, business woman and the wife of a Manchester Rotarian, started the Inner Wheel movement. The first official meeting of the Inner Wheel Club of Manchester was on 10 January 1924. The 10th of January is now celebrated as World Inner Wheel Day (or simply Inner Wheel Day), by Clubs all over the world.
On 7 to 10 May 2024, members of Inner Wheel worldwide converge in Manchester for a grand celebration to mark 100 year of the formation of the Inner Wheel movement.

Click to download this free e-book.
ONE HUNDRED YEARS — a century of laughter shared, hands reaching out in times of need, and a global network woven through threads of compassion and camaraderie. This book is a testament to that extraordinary journey – the journey of Inner Wheel.
As you turn the pages, you will hear the echoes of laughter from meetings, witness the tireless hands working on service projects, and feel the warmth of the global network that unites women across borders. This book is an invitation – an invitation to join Inner Wheel, or simply to be inspired by a century of remarkable achievement. The journey continues, and this book serves as a beacon, guiding Inner Wheel into its next hundred years of friendship and service.